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Web Design & Development COMPANY IN INDIA

Bk Graphy caters a wide range of web designing services that includes custom websites and e-commerce sites and developing web portals. We offer cheap website design for small businesses to corporate level. The primary purpose of a website is as it speaks directly to your targeted customers and provides them the complete information which in turn helps you to gain potential customers in order, to do this your website must capture attention and creates interest for the viewer to spend time at your website and find out more. Our highly qualified designers focus designs that way we excel in ecommerce website design by offering an exclusive range of tools to our clients. Our design integrates appealing and professional website design and provides corporate identity We ensure:

Why do we Need Website?

In the contemporary digital landscape, a website is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity for individuals, businesses, and organizations alike.Serving as a virtual storefront and information hub, a website provides a global platform for disseminating information, showcasing products or services, and establishing a credible online presence. In an era where consumers turn to the internet for research and engagement, a well-designed website enhances credibility, professionalism, and accessibility. It acts as a round-the-clock gateway, enabling businesses to reach a global audience and facilitating online transactions through e-commerce functionalities. Beyond commercial applications, websites serve as educational resources, portfolio platforms, and communication hubs, fostering interaction with audiences and building communities.

Website helps to Grow the Business and Make Money

A well-designed website is an indispensable asset for businesses seeking growth and revenue generation in today’s digital landscape. Serving as a virtual storefront and marketing hub, a website extends a business’s reach globally, connecting with a vast audience beyond traditional geographical constraints.

The 24/7 accessibility of a website ensures that potential customers can explore products, services, and information at any time, creating continuous opportunities for engagement and sales.

It Creates Credibility

A website is a cornerstone in establishing and enhancing the credibility of a business or individual in the digital era. In today’s interconnected world, consumers and clients often turn to the internet as their first source of information. A professionally designed and well-maintained website serves as a virtual storefront, presenting a polished and accessible image to the online audience. It provides a platform to showcase products, services, expertise, and accomplishments in a visually appealing and organized manner. The mere presence of a website signals legitimacy and a commitment to meeting the expectations of a tech-savvy clientele.

Service of Website Design & Development

Website design and development involve creating a website from scratch or improving an existing one.
 Effective design layout
» Rational space usage
» Compatible color theme
» User friendly and productive user interactivity
» Meeting deadlines with quality
» Customer's satisfaction is guaranteed
» Updating latest web design techniques and tools
Categories Of Website : Static || Dynamic || Ecommerce

Technology : PHP || LARAVEL || .NET || PYTHON || HTML || CSS || CodeIgniter || WordPress || Magento 

Some Website list we have given, you can check now :

Khanaapp co.in

  1. Create wireframes or mockups to visualize the website's layout and user interface.
  2. Choose a design style that aligns with your brand identity.
  3. Design responsive layouts to ensure your site looks good on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  4. Select appropriate typography, colors, and images.
  1. Choose a technology stack (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, CMS like WordPress) based on your project requirements.
  2. Code the website, implementing functionality and interactivity.
  3. Ensure that the website is optimized for performance, security, and SEO.
  4. Integrate content management systems (CMS) if needed for easy content updates
  1. Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues.
  2. Test the website's compatibility across different browsers and devices.
  3. Check for responsiveness, speed, and security.
  1. Optimize images and other media to reduce loading times.
  2. Implement caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) for faster performance.
  3. Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and adheres to best SEO practices.
  1. Configure your web hosting settings.
  2. Publish your website, making it accessible to the public.
  1. Implement digital marketing strategies to drive traffic to your website (e.g., SEO, social media, email marketing).
  2. Use analytics tools to track visitor behavior and gather insights for continuous improvement.
  1. Regularly update and patch software and plugins to protect against vulnerabilities.
  2. Use SSL certificates to secure data transmission.
  3. Implement security measures like firewalls and backups to safeguard your website.

Pricing Plans

Best offers for website  design and development


Renewal Price 3000/year
1 .in Domain
Shared Hosting
Facebook / Insta for Social media
5-7 Static Page
No Admin Panel for Login / Register Panel
2 Banner
Free 1 Year for maintenance
1 Business Mail
Content Basic
Basic Logo
5 Digital Visiting Card
Support Max 24 hour
Google Analytics / Live Chat /Seo Friendly Plugin & More

Dynamic Basic

Renewal Price ₹3500 Every Year
1 Domain .in / .com & Other Ext
10 Dynamic Pages
Cloud Basic for Hosting
Facebook / Insta / Google for Social media
3 Banner
Free 1 Year for maintenance
Admin Panel for Login / Register Panel
3 Business Mail
Content Advance
Basic Logo
10 Digital Visiting Card
Support Max 24 hour
Google Analytics / Live Chat /Seo Friendly Plugin & More

Dynamic Advance

Renewal Price ₹4000 Every Year
1 Domain .in / .com & Other Ext
Dynamic Lightweight UI 15 pages
Cloud Business for Hosting
Facebook / Insta /Linkedin/Google / Printrest for Social media
5 Banner
Free 1 Year for maintenance
Admin Panel for Login / Register Panel
5 Business Mail
Content Advance
Advance ( high Resolation) Logo
Unlimited Digital Visiting Card
Instant Support
Google Analytics / Live Chat/High Cloud Security/Seo Friendly Plugin & More