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Binary MLM Software

In MLM industry Binary is one of the most popular as well as easy to understand business model. The beauty of Binary plan is it gives importance to all member in network. Active networked can earn with ease, new joining are placed on left and right legs thus tree keep growing. So, we can say that binary follows the “Equality oriented” approach. Binary is well balanced system for MLM company as well as Networker. Bk Graphy provides fully automated and 100+ features in MLM Binary Plan software & many companies has already used our software and running successfully.
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What are Power Leg and Profit Leg in MLM Binary Plan?
In Binary plan there are two branches of two sides of Tree. Side which has higher number of member compare to other side is known as Power Leg. Similarly, Side which has lower number of member compare to other side is known as Profit Leg. Basically, When Networker has new joining In Profit leg then only they have the compensation that’s why it’s known as Profit leg. In Bk graphy MLM Software you can see all the details of Power Leg and Profit Leg.

Types of incomes in MLM Binary Plan
In an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Binary Plan, participants are typically organized into a two-legged structure, meaning each distributor recruits and places new members in either their left leg or their right leg.
Sponsor or Direct income is income earned by referring someone in the system. For every direct referral, Networker gets paid by Sponsor income. Normally Sponsor/Direct income is Fixed amount of percentage of the package amount. Majority of company has condition of 2 sponsor to earn other income in Binary Plan.
This is not much popular income in Binary Plan. When you will join MLM company, you will get “X amount” of Bonus in your E-wallet. Which can be withdrawn. For Example: If, package amount is INR 2000 then company offers INR 100 as Joining Bonus
Pair matching has two different ratios, first 1:1 till infinite depth and second 2:1 or 1:2 till infinite depth. Even 1:1 type can have tail binary which means first matching will be 1:2 or 2:1 and afterwards 1:1 till infinite depth. Networker can earn Pair matching income as his/her tree grows. MLM company’s define Pair matching like fixed amount of percentage of Package amount.
MLM companies offer rewards of number of directs of number of pairs matched. Basic funda of Rewards income is to keep active Networker in MLM business.
Royalty income can be offered in many ways. Most common way is sharing percentage turn over of company with the person if he/she achieve specific condition. MLM company’s stare 1% to 10% as Royalty income for Networker.
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